
About Us

Jingin Metaphysics and Thecopperglowshop are both connected to the world of metaphysics and spirituality. Jingin Metaphysics refers to a practitioner, teacher, or publisher in the field of metaphysical knowledge and methods.

A holistic practice that explores the interconnectedness of the universe through crystals, energy work, and meditation. The practice emphasizes the power of intention and the alignment of mind, body, and spirit to manifest positive changes in one’s life. With a focus on personal growth and healing,

Jingin Metaphysics offers a range of services including crystal healing, chakra balancing, and Reiki sessions. This practice is ideal for those seeking alternative methods of healing and a deeper understanding of the personal universe.

Meanwhile, Thecopperglowshop may be a shop or online store that specializes in crystals and other similar products associated with spirituality. Both entities offer a range of resources and tools for those interested in exploring and deepening their understanding of the metaphysical world.